Hello, my name is Alex Rae. I am a local WA girl with a true passion for pottery. Originally from the Pilbara, I have called Perth home for nearly 20 years. Pottery has always been in my blood with Mum being a wheel potter as a youngster, it was a great way to keep my siblings and I entertained.
I naturally gravitated towards handbuilding with clay and have been teaching myself how to since I picked up clay again in 2018.
I am particularly fond of reduction firing results using a gas kiln so I sourced one, had it connected, and have been experimenting with it the past few months. Reduction fired pottery is guaranteed to be unique and it's what I love most about the entire process. I call the gas kiln a labour of love - it's a labour intensive process but the results are remarkable and stunning.
I teach pottery workshops from my studio at the Carlisle Collective and have founded a Pottery Club earlier this year to build a community of Potters who gather weekly to create, laugh, connect, and have fun getting our hands dirty.

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