Michelle Gilks Artist

Colour plays a central role in all my work, with combinations emerging instinctively. I love the way colours can harmonise with, or stand apart from, each other. I am constantly surprised by what colour can do.

Creating something on a canvas where nothing existed before is the ultimate achievement for me. I love the process. I love the product. I love the way that my art can bring joy not only to myself, but also to others.

You can find more of my work on Facebook, Etsy and Instagram. I exhibit regularly around Perth, with recent shows being at the Moores Building and Kidogo Arthouse in Fremantle.

I look forward to chatting to you at the Perth Makers Market.

Other Stallholders

Love Birds fine art print
Love Birds fine art print
Placid Contemplation fine art print
Placid Contemplation fine art print
Art jewellery by Michelle Gilks artist
Art jewellery by Michelle Gilks artist
Tote bags with custom printed fabric
Tote bags with custom printed fabric
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
Koi Dreaming
Koi Dreaming
The Real Macaw
The Real Macaw

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