Forest Shapes
Forest Shapes are unique handcrafted Timber pieces created in Margaret River using recycled timber.
A Margaret River local, Mal is a carpenter and artisan who's pieces are inspired by the beautiful Margaret River region.
Mal created Forest Shapes in his backyard after returning from overseas due to COVID in 2020 where he started carving timber to keep busy but as interest for his individual pieces grew so did his small business. Forest Shapes pieces are now stocked in local craft/gift stores and wineries in Margaret River.
Forest Shapes' products include bowls and platters in unique shapes with Mal's signature barrel edge, reminiscent of time spent in the waves of many Margaret River surf breaks. Platters are also carved into Vine leaves and olive leaves inspired by the gorgeous, rich Margaret River produce.
One of Forest Shapes gorgeous, individual, handcrafted pieces is waiting for you at our market stall!
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