PCWA-Common Threads
Palestinian Community of WA (PCWA) is a non profit organisation was established in 2011, main goals are to promote awareness and knowledge of the Palestinian identity, culture, and history, and to foster Palestinian community integration with the Australian society while maintaining the unique Palestinian heritage, values and sense-of-belonging.
in 2019 PCWA worked on a special project funded by Lotterywest DreamPlanDo and supported by Community Arts Network, called Palestinian Threads and Stitches. This highly successful community art project brought together twelve Palestinian women living in Western Australia to practice traditional Palestinian embroidery, known as tatreez. The main outputs from the Palestinian Threads and Stitches project are:
1.A framed tapestry of the twelve tatreez pieces stitched together into a single artwork
2.A 54-page art catalogue Palestinian Threads and Stitches: A Tapestry of Home and Diaspora (Olwan, Jabbour & Bazlamit, 2020) documenting the Palestinian Threads and stitches project
3.Sets of 12 postcards, and 12 greeting cards, each featuring the different tatreez embroidery made by the twelve women
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