Battsenby's Wildlife Habitats

Battsenby's makes native bee hotels, micro-bat boxes and pardalote boxes. Native bee hotels provide habitat for some of WA's 800 different species of native bee, supporting indigenous insect populations and greatly improving pollination in your garden. Micro-bats, which are nocturnal and endemic to WA, are nature's insect controllers, with one tiny micro-bat able to eat up to 1000 mosquitos a night. A micro-bat colony in your garden or on the exterior of your house will hoover up aphids, beetles, mozzies and lots of other bad bugs. Pardalote boxes provide safe habitat for these native birds to return to year after year to breed. Pardalotes spend their days eating psyllids, sap sucking bugs that inhabit native plants and trees.
For permaculturalists, native bees, microbats and pardalotes are an essential part of any integrated pest management system.

Habitats are made from recycled jarrah or jarrah destined for firewood, sustainable fallen timbers, bamboo canes and natural linseed oil.

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Native Bee Hotels
Native Bee Hotels
Battsenbys Wildlife Habitats
Battsenbys Wildlife Habitats
Battsenbys Wildlife Habitats
Battsenbys Wildlife Habitats
Pardalote Boxes
Pardalote Boxes
Microbat Tree Box
Microbat Tree Box
Microbat Wave Box
Microbat Wave Box
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Mini Native Bee Hotel

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