Ascella Designs

I get inspired very easily so go through lots of different crafty phases. I end up with a house full of lots of very different and quirky things. I hope to spread the quirk and hope others will love my creations!

Other Stallholders

Woven wall hanging
Woven wall hanging
Hand sewn scrunchies made from off cuts or old clothing!
Hand sewn scrunchies made from off cuts or old clothing!
Woven wall hanging
Woven wall hanging
Felt cactus and succulent garden
Felt cactus and succulent garden
Clay and acrylic wall hanging
Clay and acrylic wall hanging
Macrame around recycled jar
Macrame around recycled jar
Macrame around recycled jar
Macrame around recycled jar
Ascella Designs
Ascella Designs
Cactus pin cushions
Cactus pin cushions
Woven wall hanging
Woven wall hanging
Up close with the woven wall hangings
Up close with the woven wall hangings
Red clay hangings
Red clay hangings
White clay hangings
White clay hangings

Other Stallholders