Solas Essentials
Solas Essentials
The aim of Solas Products and Services is to help bring some mindful moments into your day. These products are made with the intention to work on a physical and emotional level.
To simply take a moment when you use a Solas product is key to creating some mindful moments in your day. Inhale as you use. Notice the subtle effects on your body and mind. Exhale and connect with that feeling a little longer.
Solas is a local business in the South West, W.A. All products are handmade with the finest ingredients and 100% pure essential oils.
Solas is a Gaelic word meaning ‘Light’. You will understand ALL the ingredients in each product and your skin and body will notice this.
If you are looking for some natural, high vibration products to help bring some ‘you’ moments into your day, then have a look at the Solas Range.
Available online at or at a range of stockists also listed on the website.
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